Day in My Life


For this project I created a short film about a day in my life. I worked on my planning skills and my time management in order to get the large task of completing a film done. This was difficult as it was my first solo film bit I’m still glad I did it.


Color Palette

Pie Chart


Music for the first two shots.

Hi my name is Carlson and this is a day in my life. After I wake up I immediately get ready for school by eating breakfast, brushing my teeth, etc. My friend picks me up and we head to school. At school I have math, history, a 10 minute break in between where I hang out with my friend Delilah, and film all before lunch. I then get a much needed break and get to hang out with my friends at lunch. After,I have science, Spanish 2, and English before I get to be done with school. From there I carpool to the climbing gym where I’ll be for the next few hours. I do some homework and read on my phone a bit before climbing team practice starts! It’s always a lot of fun even though it’s difficult. After that I head home and sit down on the couch and eat dinner while watching tv. Finally I relax for a bit by playing some video games before getting into bed. I read my book for 30 minutes in bed and fall asleep. This project helped me see how I use my own time and what I could do to better manage it. This was my day in a life. Film and music fades out.

Audio Editing


Video Editing

The Documentary

What I learned and Problems I Solved

The most important thing I learned from this project was how difficult it is to make a film with only one person and how necessary it is to have a team to help and have ideas.

I solved the problem of how to make a pie chart when it said I had too many groups in Adobe illustrator bye editing the pie chart to be multiple and has grayed out sections, instead of one chart.

I solved multiple problems with figuring out how to film alone bye using mounts, things to hold up my phone, and moving shots.


Soundtrap Vertigo-Rhythmic Synth Chords 01 A

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