Mon Mar 27th Weekly Work

Session Number 5
Week Number 2
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 4 hour 45 minutes
What was your overall goal for this week? Film a Practice Shoot.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
3/27Storyboard and Blog Post1 hour yes
3/28 Blog Post summary1 hour yes
 3/29 Story Board and Wrok on Blog Post Summary 1 hour yes
 3/30 Filmed practice Shoot 1 hour yes
 3/31 Filmed Practice Shoot 45 minyes 

Personal Comments (Optional) 

Are there any other comments you would like to include? If so, please enter them here: 

Film Name Cinematographer Pre-Production Journal


This is evidence of pre-production ideas that I will use to raise tension in our film.

  • 58:Close Up

A close-up shot is when the camera is close up on a character’s face, accentuating the audience’s emotions toward that character. When an antagonist is on screen this is used to make the audience want to get away from the character and not see them. While it is also often used to show sympathy to a character due to the accentuation of their face.

  • 73:Circular

A circular is a moving camera shot that wraps around a subject revealing more in the scene. It can rise tension dramatically while also increasing world-building due to its large range as a shot. This will be used in our film in the climax.

  • 80:Rembrandt Lighting

Rembrandt lighting is sharp lighting that will contrast light and dark in the scene. It increases the dramatics of the scene and shows the contrast between the work/phone and the friend.

Test Shots

Focal lengths will remain consistent throughout the film.

Evidence of different camera placements.
Evidence of different camera placements.

Lighting Tests

Lighting evidence through dark background and illuminated papers.
Evidence of lighting.

Throughout the test soots I learned how to make the surroundings less dark and increase the contrast when in a dark environment.

Equipment Checklist

  • Tripod
  • Camera
  • 3 Lights
  • 3 batteries for Lights
  • 3 Light Tripods
  • White Reflection Panel
  • Boom Mike
  • Audio Deck

Collaboration with Director

Evidence about locations.
Evidence of negotiation about mise en scene.
Evidence on lighting collaboration.

Set-up Sequence Workflow

  1. Grab camera
  2. Grab lights and batteries
  3. Grab Tripod
  4. Set up camera
  5. Turn on and position the lights
  6. Turn on preexisting lights
  7. Organize props
  8. Put the camera on a tripod
  9. Film

Map of Each Location

Storyboard Notation

What I Learned

Throughout this pre-production session, I learned what changes we needed to make to our film in order to make it as good as possible. I got to experiment with lighting and learn how to make the film bright when in a dark environment. This will lead to a more polished film with fewer issues in production.


Tuesday March 21st Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE

Session Number 5
Week Number 1
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 4 hours
What was your overall goal for this week? Establish story to teammates and begin pre-production.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
Tue March 21Worked on Trello board fibonachi numbers and ideas.30 min Yes
Wed March 22 Scouted Filming Location.30 minYes 
Thu March 23Worked on. Storyboard and met with leduc.1 hour yes
 Friday March 24Finsished Project tracking Sheet and worked on Props 1 hour  yes
 Mon March 20 Draft and went over story.1 hour yes

Personal Comments (Optional) 

Are there any other comments you would like to include? If so, please enter them here: 

A conflicted person set’s down their phone to hang out with someone and struggles to go out due to deadlines, and the berating of their phone.


A conflicted person set’s down their phone to hang out with someone and struggles to go out due to deadlines, and the berating of their phone.

  • A person who is plagued with procrastination and a sense of failure for incompletion.
  • This person feels trapped in a cycle of procrastination to the point that when they try to break free they get sucked right back into the cycle.


  • Our protagonist seeks a way out of their cycle of procrastination and is looking to interact with people and become more intertwined in a society of people, not accounts, usernames, and deprecation.




  • The film opens with a shot of a character staring at a screen as we see notifications of deadlines and overdue work flash across. They then proceed to start “doom scrolling” when a text message from a friend appears asking to hang out. As they look up from their phone they see an orange light in the distance with a friend standing in it waving. Immediately they leap up from their chair and start to move toward it before a work notification dings with harsh blue light from the phone behind them. They look back and consider going toward the phone but see the orange light out of the corner of their eye and instinctively move toward it. Suddenly another even louder ding rings from the devices harsh blue light. They stand and look back and forth between the phone and the person who is now slowly fading away as the phone dings again even louder! They look back one last time at the person as they fade away to nothing and the film goes quiet. After a moment of pause we here a quiet ding of the phone. Our character looks back, walks toward it, sits down, and starts doom scrolling.
    • Does the Protagonist achieve their goal? No


  • Complete a paragraph describing the protagonist’s world
  • This description helps the team build a better, more believable world
  • You may include wardrobe, family, friends, food choices, habits, hang-ups, etc.

Our character lives in a world the same as our own that visually appears as a black void. They feel trapped in technology and seek a way out into the “real world” but are unable to and retreat back to te technology.


  • List directors or other filmmakers FROM YOUR CHOSEN GENRE you are using for research and inspiration
  • List scenes FROM YOUR CHOSEN GENRE you are using for research and inspiration
  • Embed video clips of scenes that may influence or inspire stylistic choices in your film