Session 3 2023-24 Film Production Project

camera” by Plastic_Bat is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.




Intention (SMART Goal)

By Jan. 12, as the cinematographer for TEAM 4, I will learn to incorporate dynamic shots into our film, by following Creating Stable Camera Movements for session 3.


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

Rina Yang is a modern cinematographer working her way to becoming a household name. She works on using dynamic cinematography that mimics the real world. This is shown through her modern style of striving not for perfection, but for the beauty of the shots. Often she works not for a clearer image, but rather for a clearer grasp of the film. Ideally,, I could incorporate some of her style into our film.

Training Source(s)

1.1:07 Use a camera strap to create extra stability.

2.1:12 Turn on camera stabilization.

3.1:20 Use the side lung to create camera stability for a slide.

4.1:35 Pull focus mid-lung to add a cool effect.

5.1:47 Use the jib shot to create an upward stable motion.

6.2:27 Use the parallax lunge to create a steady sideways movement.

7.2:06 Use post stabilization in Premiere Pro.

8.2:49 Use the push-forward technique with a lung.

9.3:05 Rotate the camera smoothly with the neck strap to get an immersive effect.

10.3:09 Use grid/rule of thirds.

Project Timeline

1. Discuss possible ideas.

2.Create Storyboard.

3.Write Script.

4.Film test shoots.

5.Edit and practice color grading test shoots.

6.Film our film.

7.Review shots.

8.Re-film some shots.

9.Edit our film.

10.Present our film.

Proposed Budget

Evidence of Team Planning and Decisions

Place screenshots of the following…

  1. Trello Board
  2. Storyboard (FILM) (with comments for each role) OR other planning documents like sketches, flowcharts (GAME DESIGN), etc.


The (FILM, SOUND, or GAME Creation)

Skills Commentary


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

I was a creative thinker through our location scouting and use of the PAC, a location we would normally not have access to. This new location allowed more space to create dynamic camera shots and movements.

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

I communicated thoroughly with my team about my absences and how they were unfortunately extended. This allowed me to use communication skills online with my ever-changing.

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

I used information to construct the preproduction of our film so that we would have a smooth production. This was done by researching our ideas and planning thoroughly before production.

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

Reactions to the Final Version

James Clark: James found are pacing and dialogue to be very good as it flowed naturally while simultaneously moving the film along. This is a strength that I am proud are film met.

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

Overall I am thrilled with our finished project. The dialogue and the choreography allowed a dynamic sharp film that was very good. I do wish I had been present for more of the filming, as this would have allowed for more flexibility in filming, and the allowance of me to be involved. Overall I am overjoyed with the end product of this film and how well its plot flowed.

Grammar and Spelling




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