Film Name Cinematographer Pre-Production Journal


This is evidence of pre-production ideas that I will use to raise tension in our film.

  • 58:Close Up

A close-up shot is when the camera is close up on a character’s face, accentuating the audience’s emotions toward that character. When an antagonist is on screen this is used to make the audience want to get away from the character and not see them. While it is also often used to show sympathy to a character due to the accentuation of their face.

  • 73:Circular

A circular is a moving camera shot that wraps around a subject revealing more in the scene. It can rise tension dramatically while also increasing world-building due to its large range as a shot. This will be used in our film in the climax.

  • 80:Rembrandt Lighting

Rembrandt lighting is sharp lighting that will contrast light and dark in the scene. It increases the dramatics of the scene and shows the contrast between the work/phone and the friend.

Test Shots

Focal lengths will remain consistent throughout the film.

Evidence of different camera placements.
Evidence of different camera placements.

Lighting Tests

Lighting evidence through dark background and illuminated papers.
Evidence of lighting.

Throughout the test soots I learned how to make the surroundings less dark and increase the contrast when in a dark environment.

Equipment Checklist

  • Tripod
  • Camera
  • 3 Lights
  • 3 batteries for Lights
  • 3 Light Tripods
  • White Reflection Panel
  • Boom Mike
  • Audio Deck

Collaboration with Director

Evidence about locations.
Evidence of negotiation about mise en scene.
Evidence on lighting collaboration.

Set-up Sequence Workflow

  1. Grab camera
  2. Grab lights and batteries
  3. Grab Tripod
  4. Set up camera
  5. Turn on and position the lights
  6. Turn on preexisting lights
  7. Organize props
  8. Put the camera on a tripod
  9. Film

Map of Each Location

Storyboard Notation

What I Learned

Throughout this pre-production session, I learned what changes we needed to make to our film in order to make it as good as possible. I got to experiment with lighting and learn how to make the film bright when in a dark environment. This will lead to a more polished film with fewer issues in production.


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